- Közzététel dátuma
- 2015. február 16.
The CRCB published its first analysis in Hungarian and English last year, which examined the quality of the Hungarian legislation1 . Our report for 2015 is not a simple repetition and update. Compared to last year’s report we extended and deepened our analysis in several areas. We not only analyse the activities of the parliament by statistical methods (i), but also occurrences of public consultations (ii), and the process of drafting a law and of conducting impact assessment (iii).
Authors: Alberti, Éva; Czibik, Ágnes; Fazekas, Mihály; Gyenese, Jenő; Herczog, Elvíra; Szalai, Bálint; Ungár, Klára; Wachs, Johannes. Head of research: Tóth, István János.

magyar jogalkotási eljárást vizsgáló tanulmány angol nyelven: The Quality of Hungarian Legislation 2013-2014, Corruption Research Center Budapest, 2015